Dal S. Yu


* Math at Saint Louis University: http://math.slu.edu/people/yu

* My undergraduate thesis (2011) (pdf): " Representation Theory of Classical Compact Lie Groups "


* Owner and developer of http://usothello.org, the official website for the US Othello Association.

* Competed in the following tournaments:
- 2016 National Open (Chicago)
- 2015 National Open (Chicago)
- 2014 National Championship (New York)
- 2014 National Open (Chicago)
- 2013 National Open (Chicago)

* My World Othello Federation player rating can be found here!.

Web and Software Development

* Korean translation of the Android Othello app DroidZebra.

* Athlon 32-bit binary build for Sage mathematics open-source software, version 3.0 (Spring 2008). My name can be found in their list of developers: http://www.sagemath.org/development-map.html


* Passing candidate of the SOA/CAS Exam P/1 actuary exam.
Results can be found here, under 'Passing Candidate Names' for July 2011.

Monday, May 11, 2011
dalsyu.org created

Webmaster: dyu.......com